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Wishingwell 4 children:
Resolving emotional, relationship and behaviour problems for children

Assessments and courses for parents and professionals

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Parenting Together charity
helpline 0777 3722 767
Open 8 till 8pm, 7 days

Wishingwell for children (Wishingwell4c)

Supporting emotionally abused and behaviour problem children wishing to return home with their true family and friends

                      ID number: FR.ID-127023        


"Follow the money". Every year thousands of parents reach out for help, but instead of providing support; their babies and children are needlessly taken into Care of their local authority. In desperation, many turn to social media

UASC = Unaccompanied asylum seeking "children" and leaving care : CLA = Children Looked After(?)

Young people multiple times more likely to become victims and perpetrators of assault and violence; 95% were in Social Care

We offer Courts a viable service enabling children to remain with their natural family

Authorities, charities and agencies misleading the Courts with false accusations and fabricated evidence against parents

In the end, we have a charity that works in the best interests of vulnerable children and their loving parents

                      ID number: FR.ID-127023